Ive been here in Boulder CO for the past week, hanging out with my friends Jon and Harry. Its been a good time, climbing a few times around Boulder and an unsuccessful trip to Rifle (snowed out). Upon arriving we went to Boulder Canyon and I tried a really amazing dyno boulder called Cage Free (V11). I climbed it pretty quick and thought it was more of a V10, but either way its a true classic. We also went climbing in Clear Creek and we climbed a new boulder in the Nomad Cave called Off the Books, also around V10 or 11. Jon got the FA and I repeated it soon after. Really fun compression climb out a roof, worth trying if your in the area. I also tried Shine (14a) and worked out all the moves, so soon I will return to finish it up and also to try the harder variation, Prime Time to Shine (14b). Also, I may return to Rifle soon if the weather permits. A muerte!